Our Responsibility

Sustainability Anchored in Strategy

A Driving Force for a Sustainable Future

Customer contact with more than 6.8 billion people a year, around 575,000 employees in over 30 countries: The companies of Schwarz Group are an important part of people’s everyday life all over the world. Few other corporate groups are as diverse and cover the entire value chain. That gives us significant leverage and lets us make a real difference, by taking our responsibility to society and the environment seriously and aligning our economic actions accordingly.

Acting Globally Responsible with Diversity



As the companies of Schwarz Group, we strive for sustainable development in all business areas. With the jointly developed sustainability vision, “Assuming Global Responsibility. Acting with Diversity.”, we pursue this goal strategically and holistically in order to preserve the quality of life of future generations. Because for us, sustainability is more than a strategy. It is part of our corporate culture.


Our Shared Sustainability Strategy: A Guideline for Acting Flexibly

Tumultuous times like ours – characterized by climate change, resource shortages and violations of human rights – call for courage and strategic action. With its four focus areas of People, Product Quality, Circular Systems and Ecosystems, the jointly developed sustainability strategy of the companies of Schwarz Group gives us guidance and clarity. At the same time, it offers us the space and flexibility to respond to change in the best possible way. In short: It is the guiding principle – it serves as the basis for our corporate group to find our optimal position for the future, and to face our current and future challenges.

Our shared goal is to integrate sustainability into every business process of the companies of Schwarz Group, and to innovate for a better life. We believe that sustainable economic success in the future will only be possible by closely linking our economic, social and ecological goals. With that in mind, we use our strong retail position and the power of our diversity to develop convincing, sustainable solutions today for the growing global challenges of tomorrow.


Ambitious Goals for Greater Sustainability

We are actively involved in shaping a more sustainable future and are breaking new ground as one of the largest retail groups in the world. To do so, we focus on innovation and ambitious sustainability targets. Together, the companies of Schwarz Group provide regular reports on the status of their targets and on the measurable and positive contribution we are making.

Each and every goal counts towards the collective sustainability vision of the companies of Schwarz Group and strengthens our commitment to “Assuming Global Responsibility. Acting with Diversity.” Together, we are constantly developing our goals. In doing so, we make sure to take effective measures and create innovative approaches that help us advance together.


Fortschrittsbericht GJ 2022 der Unternehmen der Schwarz Gruppe

Step by Step: Our Progress at a Glance

In our jointly published, latest progress report, we lay out what we as companies of Schwarz Group have already achieved in the 2022 fiscal year. We highlight specific projects, the interim goals achieved and our plans for further progress in the future. Take a look now and learn more about our shared understanding of sustainable business.