How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

How We Act

We develop innovative solutions for sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyles in our pioneering ecosystem.

Always One Step Ahead

We exist to make life better – today and for generations to come. So, we do not wait for challenges to become problems: We seize opportunities and act ahead. From production and retail to recycling and digitalization, we create solutions that make life more sustainable, healthier and more secure for billions of people. And we do this together with our 575,000 employees, our stakeholders and our partners within a leading ecosystem for a better life. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Circular Economy

Making New Products from Plastic Waste Rather than Watching Resources Being Wasted.

Today’s waste becomes tomorrow’s recyclable material: old yoghurt pots become new laundry baskets; old shampoo bottles become new sandbox toys. Our environmental service provider PreZero collects, separates, recycles and reprocesses waste – from household waste to electrical appliances to plastic packaging. The goal: to reuse recyclable waste again and again, keeping it in a closed loop. Our success rate: in the 2023 financial year, 87.6 percent of all waste from companies of Schwarz Group was recycled, reused, fermented or composted. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Mitarbeiter von PreZero steht mit einem Walky-Talky vor einem Wertstoffhof.

Securing Supplies Rather than Risking Empty Shelves.

Fully stocked shelves are no longer a given. This was demonstrated not only by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also by other disruptions to the value and supply chains. With Schwarz Produktion, we secure the supply of important items for Lidl and Kaufland: from baked goods to coffee, from chocolate and other products to beverages. At the same time, we are driving forward sustainable food production for a number of our Lidl and Kaufland private label brands – for example with the bodies of our closed-loop bottles, made from 100 percent recycled materials and chocolate made from certified cocoa. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Eine Mitarbeiterin der Produktion steht mit einem Tablet vor einem Förderband mit Teigware.


Making Climate-friendly Nutrition Affordable Rather than just Talking about Climate Change.

Nutrition is a lever for reducing our carbon footprint: That is why we are making more sustainable food available and, above all, affordable for everyone. We are supporting farmers in the field to transform their operations to more sustainable practices. We are expanding our range of seasonal and regional products in our stores and supporting our customers to make more sustainable purchase decisions. With zero percent price difference between plant-based proteins and comparable animal products, we are creating equality on the plate at Lidl and Kaufland in Germany. So, it is the customer who chooses between meat and veggie rather than their budget. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Eine Lidl Filialleiterin steht mit einem Tablet im Eingangsbereich vor den Obst- und Gemüseregalen.

Accelerating Climate Protection Rather than Standing Still.

The more diverse the solutions, the more effective the protection of our planet: With our leading ecosystem, we take a holistic approach to climate protection. By electrifying logistics with e-trucks and expanding the charging infrastructure, we are reducing emissions in transportation. We generate green electricity on our sites with more than four million square meters of photovoltaic equipment. And our more than 4,000 sustainability-certified buildings conserve resources, save energy and promote biodiversity. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Ein Mitarbeiter der Logistik steht vor dem Fuhrpark der E-LKWs.


Creating Sovereign Digital Solutions Rather than Waiting for Others.

Doing business sustainably in the digital age also means being independent: With Schwarz Digits, we operate 1,250 IT and digital solutions. From cloud and cybersecurity to artificial intelligence and secure communication – always conforming to the highest European data protection standards. In this way, we guarantee the greatest possible digital sovereignty for a sustainable, future-oriented economy and society. 

Acting ahead rather than just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Eine Mitarbeiterin von Schwarz Digits steht mit einer VR-Brille vor Bildschirmen.

Social Responsibility

Taking the Future Into Your own Hands, Instead of Just Dreaming About it.

The world is changing. We need makers to shape the future: with around 10,000 students and trainees, we are already promoting the talents of tomorrow. From e-commerce and digital transformation to data science and cyber security. From retail and event technology to circular economy and confectionery technology. We are taking the future into our own hands. With 168 different nationalities and a wide range of expertise and perspectives, our colleagues are as diverse as our unique ecosystem. Together, we are shaping change in a complex and interconnected world.

Acting ahead instead of just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Eine Dozentin steht in Front in einem Vorlesesaal vor Studierenden.

Overcoming Challenges Together, Instead of Facing Problems Alone.

Acting ahead is teamwork. Because a “we” is stronger than many “I ”s: with our 575,000 employees, stakeholders and strong partners from business, society and sports, we therefore focus on long-term cooperations. Together with NGOs, we promote fair and sustainably produced food. Together with partners in sports, we bring healthy nutrition to athletes and fans, promote circular economy and strengthen digital sovereignty of leagues and clubs. With success: we already avoid around 4 tons of waste per season in the Bundesliga. Together, we are tackling what matters – before it matters.

Acting ahead instead of just thinking ahead – the companies of Schwarz Group.

Ein Mitarbeiter steht in Front der Münchner Allianz Arena.

88percent of all internal waste was recycled, reused, fermented or composted

4million square meters of photovoltaic plants, the area of 568 football fields

598,700megawatt hours of renewable energy produced

100percent certified cocoa in own brand production for Lidl and Kaufland at Schwarz Produktion

We make our joint commitment transparent: from the supply of renewable energy to global resource conservation initiatives – not just thinking ahead, but acting ahead. The jointly created sustainability report of the companies of Schwarz Group.

More About Us

Who we are

How our colleagues uphold our values in every area of business and at every location of the companies of Schwarz Group.

Who we are