
Success – Many Unique Perspectives, One Strong “Us”

March 11th, 2025 ・ 5 minutes reading time

On Board for Decades - from Apprentice to Co-Creator of Change

In September 1974, Lidl & Schwarz KG was still a small, up-and-coming company with around 830 employees. It was then that Gerd Rinkenauer, now a member of the SPG GmbH & Co. KG Executive Board, joined the company, long before it had developed into what is now the companies of Schwarz Group. “An optimistic mood prevailed at that time. Right from the beginning, the company bestowed a lot of trust upon its employees. That amazed and inspired me to take up the challenge and accompany the corporate group on its journey,” remembers Gerd.

After his apprenticeship in the field of wholesale and foreign trade, Gerd began as a member of the business administration staff in the HR Administration department in 1977 and quickly assumed greater responsibility. Over a period spanning five decades, he has not only witnessed the expansion and change in the companies of Schwarz Group firsthand, but he has also actively shaped them. Starting out as an apprentice, Gerd evolved into being a central player on matters concerning HR administration, ultimately becoming the Senior Vice President for Top Management Support. “Looking back at the many years in Schwarz Group, we have all moved mountains,” says Gerd with pleasure. His path shows how great things can emerge thanks to commitment, being grounded and acting ahead. Simultaneously, his career proves that belonging is not just a term written on paper with us, it is indeed firmly entrenched.

Diversity – a Driving Force for Success

Today, after decades of growth, the companies of Schwarz Group are active in 32 countries and employ over 575,000 people. Gerd considers our diversity of people, ideas and perspectives as being one of our significant success factors. He stresses that every employee, independent of their background, gender or skin color contributes to the sustainable success of the company. “We have our values, such as trust and respect, which are right and fitting for us – in addition to a very good ‘blend’ in our employee structure," outlines Gerd. “The younger colleagues bring along lots of new pioneering ideas and a breath of fresh air. Simultaneously, we profit enormously from the expertise of our long-serving employees. Thanks to the collaboration of several generations in working groups, incredible results can be achieved through mutual inspiration and appreciation. This diversity is decisive to contemplate processes and tasks from all possible perspectives and to make well-informed decisions together.”

Gerd’s commitment to belonging at the workplace also extends to the development of new talent and to supporting international expansion. Among other things, he is responsible for introducing and adapting HR processes in new markets – always with the aim of ensuring that employees there are integrated. As such, more than about 15 years ago, he was already responsible for the mutually adopted development and implementation of a global SAP HR system on behalf of Kaufland, which was rolled out in numerous countries and at times formed the cornerstone for the ensuing international harmonization of the HR processes.

Eine Lidl-Filiale im Jahr 1975 in Geislingen an der Steige

Future Proof thanks to Education and Belonging

The companies of Schwarz Group build their success on a clear, mutually developed vision for the future. Holding responsibility for Top Management Support, “Compensation and Benefits” as well as “Global Mobility” at SPG GmbH & Co. KG since 2014,Gerd is convinced that the combination of a premium education in addition to the active involvement of all is the key to sustainable success. “It is that ‘we’ feeling that drives us on and safeguards our future,” stresses Gerd.

Gerd’s untiring dedication, from his strategic focus up to the support of top management, helps to measure progress and drive it forward. The story of this Senior Vice President shows above all that new perspectives, tasks and challenges always open up to employees in the constantly growing companies of Schwarz Group, even after more than 50 years. Gerd’s impressive resumé is a perfect example of how individual careers are not only fostered by chances and targeted educational development opportunities, but also how the long-term future and sustainability is laid out with us.

Zwei Mitarbeiter der Schwarz Gruppe, Gerd Rinkenauer und Andreia Schrader, unterhalten sich über Flyer, die auf einem Tisch liegen. Im Hintergrund ist ein Restaurant zu erkennen.